Tonnette Stanford



toni posing for a photo in New Zealand Tonnette has trained as a full stack Web Developer based in Sydney completing a coding bootcamp run by Sydney University and Trilogy Education. She has skills is HTML, CSS, JavaScript, JQuery, APIs, Bootstrap, Materialize, Node.js, MYSQL, NoSQL, MongoDB, MVC structure, CRUD, AJAX, Heroku. She has used numerous NPM packages in her projects including Express.js, Sequalize, Handlebars, Passport, Bcryptjs and Path
She has worked on numerous web projects including front-end websites, back-end and full-stack apps. Some of her project include a movie review app (group project), a burger app, a cocktail-making website (group project), a weather app, a day-planner, a password generator, and various other websites.


Mixer Upper Website

screenshot of cocktail website This dynamic webpage provides an easy way to discover and create cocktails through searching by name or by ingredient. The user receives an image of the cocktail, a list of ingredients and instructions on how to prepare it. The user can post to Twitter or Facebook, and can open Google Maps and find their closest cocktail bar. Materialize, Javascript, Jquery and the Cocktail Database API ( were used.
Contributors: Takuji Okubo | James Pearce | Tonnette Stanford

Weather Website

screenshot of weather website The user can find the weather of various cities around the world getting a 5 day forecast. This was built using an AJAX call to retriev data. It dynamically updates HTML and CSS by storing user data in local storage.
It includes a search history so that users can access their past search terms. Clicking on the city name will perform a new search that returns current and future conditions for that city. This app displays: the city, the date, the weather icon, temp, humidity, wind speed, and the UV Index

Coding Quiz

quiz webpage screenshot The quiz will log how many questions the user got correct. The user will be rewarded if they answer the questions quickly. For any wrong answer there is a time penalty. At the end of the quiz the users score is calculated by the time left of the timer. The user can then log their score in the high scores section. The user also has the ability to clear all high scores. This website was built using bootstrap, html, CSS, JavaScript and a bit of Jquery.

Day Planner Website

scheduler webpage screenshot This calendar displays the current date and time and allows the user to put and save items for each hour of the day (between 9am-5pm). This info will save in local storage. Each hour is colour coded to reflect whether the time slot is in the past, the present, or the future. The colours will change depending on the time of day. Grey for past, pink for present and green for future hours. This website was built using bootstrap, html, CSS, JavaScript, JQuery and Moment.js

Movie Review App

screenshot of Movie Review App This is a movie review website where users can look up any movie and see reviews. This could help them decide to watch a movie or not. Secondly, users can register as a member and this allows them to also add their own reviews. They can also go into their profile page and delete any of their reviews that they are not happy with.
Technologies used: Node.js, MYSQL, JQuery, Javascript, MVC structure, CRUD, AJAX, Heroku, HTML, CSS, Materialize, The Moviedb API
Packages used: Express.js, Sequalize, Handlebars, Passport, Bcryptjs, Path
Contributors: Andy | Jesse | Tonnette

Eat Da Burger App

screenshot of Burger App This app allows the user to name all the burgers they want to eat. They can then choose to devour which every burger they want. After they devour their burger, they can then choose to delete the item. This burger app was built using MySQL, Node, Express, Handlebars and ORM.